Designer bags under 1000 are worth the investment. One of the most important items to complete any look is a great handbag. I always recommend having a black and a neutral for day, as well as a black and a neutral for evening. Neutrals can be nudes, pinks, grays, browns or creams. Do you have these 4 bags in your closet right now? Classic designer bags are one of the wardrobe items I suggest investing in because they last.
In today’s post, I’m sharing my favorite designer bags under 1000 in blacks and neutrals. All except one (#3) are from Bloomingdale’s, and part of their Loyallist promo going on now through 8/8/21. If you’re not a Loyallist yet, sign up here. It”s easy, free, you earn reward points with purchases.
Number 3 is a classic bag that I’ve been obsessed with for years. The black version is still full price at $1,550, but the pink one (which I love even more) is under $450! If I didn’t already have 2 pink bags that I love, I would’ve grabbed it. It’s one of the best deals I’ve seen in a while.
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1. Chloe gray crossbody bag available in lots of colors, Loyallists get a $175 reward card with purchase now through 8/8, become a Loyallist here
2. Mansur Gavriel pink zippered leather tote bag also comes in black, Loyallists get a $100 reward card with purchase now through 8/8, become a Loyallist here
3. Proenza Schouler blush bag normally $1,550 but under $450
4. See by Chloe gray crossbody also comes in light brown and black, Loyallists get a $75 reward card with purchase now through 8/8, become a Loyallist here
5. Proenza Schouler rose crossbody bag normally $1,595 now $957 + Loyallists get a $175 reward card with purchase now through 8/8, become a Loyallist here
6. Mansur Gavriel light brown crossbody clutch, also comes in black and rose, comes in larger version here; Loyallists get a $75 reward card with purchase now through 8/8, become a Loyallist here
7. Rebecca Minkoff black clutch under $100
8. ALLSAINTS black crossbody also comes in gray, under $300, Loyallists get a $50 reward card with purchase now through 8/8, become a Loyallist here
9. ALLSAINTS gray crossbody bag also comes in black, under $150, Loyallists get a $25 reward card with purchase now through 8/8, become a Loyallist here
10. Loeffler Randall black gathered bag Loyallists get a $50 reward card with purchase now through 8/8, become a Loyallist here
11. Mansur Gavriel black satchel also comes in nude and latte, Loyallists get a $125 reward card with purchase now through 8/8, become a Loyallist here
12. Coach black pebble leather crossbody also comes in chalk, under $200, Loyallists get a $25 reward card with purchase now through 8/8, become a Loyallist here
Items From Nordstrom’s Sale In Stock + 2 Easy Looks