The Top 27 Style Tips To Dress Better (in 2025)


How would you like to know the 27 Style Tips to dress better that I use for my Personal Styling clients? These fashion tips not only educate you on how to dress better, but they also give you the tools to feel confident every time you step into your closet. These are my Personal Stylist tips that I use in my services to teach my clients fashion tips to change their lives. 

style tips for women, fashion tips, styling tips

Maybe you’re one of the lucky ones that were born understanding style or had a fashionable mentor from the time you were young. But if you’re like me, no one taught you how to have style. I wasn’t given a guidebook to learn and follow, so I taught myself along the way.  There were many mistakes made. I wore a Muppets sweatshirt and sweatpants with my older sister’s pumps that didn’t fit in 4th grade.  Or when I bought things from a boutique that I later regretted, and couldn’t return.  I also refused to buy basics. I’d end up with a closet full of tops and dresses that didn’t work for every day.  I thought neutral bags and shoes were boring. Yet, I was always confused when I never had the “right” bag or shoe to wear with an outfit.​

fashion tips, styling tips


It was a long and sometimes painful experience, to learn the fashion and style tips I’m about to share with you here. Learning these style tips not only taught me how to dress better, but they also gave me my foundation as a Stylist. It’s now been over 15 years since I’ve had “nothing to wear”, or left the house in an outfit that I didn’t feel great in. 

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My intention is that these style tips fast forward your fashion learning and teach you how to dress better. Helping you feel confident whenever you step into your closet and outside your front door. 

Style Tips To Dress Better | Video

I created this guide to the best style tips that I use in my Personal Styling services to teach my clients how to dress better. I’m sharing it with you here, to help you go from that place of stepping in your closet with a sense of dread or overwhelm to a place of confidence and joy in just a few days instead of a few years!

It’s my great privilege to share this knowledge of the 27 best fashion tips to teach you how to dress better. It’s the guide I wish I had years ago to teach me the style tips for how to dress better and feel confident whenever I walk into my closet.

style tips for women, fashion tips, styling tips

Sign up below for your 27 Style Tips and start feeling confident every time you step into your closet.

guide to how to fashion tips on how to dress better


how can I improve my style, Los Angeles personal stylist, Personal styling los angeles

How can I improve my style?

10 styling tips to improve your Personal Style

  1. Look for new inspiration to style clothing you already have.
  2. Invest in a Capsule Wardrobe.
  3. Get rid of anything in your closet that doesn’t feel good.
  4. Use the help of a Personal Stylist.
  5. Take time researching looks you like and create a mood board.
  6. Make sure your clothes fit you perfectly.
  7. Focus on quality items over quantity.
  8. Spend time experimenting with putting together outfits in your closet.
  9. Balance your outfit proportions.
  10. Choose clothes that you love but that are also practical for your lifestyle.
Related: The Style Advice I Wish I Knew 20 Years Ago

How can I look more stylish and attractive?

Having confidence in how you look and what you’re wearing will make you look more stylish and attractive.

How do you style for beginners?

10 styling tips for beginners

  1. Experiment with clothing and different styles.
  2. Look for inspiration.
  3. Pay attention to what you feel best wearing.
  4. Create mood boards with looks to try.
  5. Educate yourself on all things style and fashion.
  6. Practice putting outfits together.
  7. Build a foundation of clothing staples and wardrobe essentials.
  8. Organize your closet.
  9. Take photos of outfits you like wearing.
  10. Wear what makes you happy.


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Online shopping and style site for women