Tips From A Stylist

Decluttering clothes can feel like decluttering your life and making space for other things. Learn the 14 items you need to get rid of to declutter your wardrobe.
Being confronted with a wardrobe full of clothes you don’t wear every morning is not a positive way to start your day. It’s a new year and a great time to clean out your closet and refresh with these pro tips.
Related: How To Organize Your Closet
Once you let go of the items in your closet that don’t work for you, the next step is to build the foundation of your wardrobe. I recommend starting with a Capsule Wardrobe. The goal of a Capsule Wardrobe is to always feel like you have something great to wear no matter the occasion or the weather.
Build a Capsule Wardrobe That Reflects Your UNIQUE Personal Style and Body Shape, so you Can Easily Put Together Outfits you Feel Great In!
Enrollment is now open for a limited time in Erica’s signature program, LOVE YOUR STYLE.
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Decluttering Clothes: Keep Or Toss? Video
FAQs & Expert Decluttering Clothes Tips
14 Items To Let Go Of In Your Closet
1. Anything that is NOT comfortable.

The first thing you want to get rid of in your closet is anything that’s uncomfortable. It’s itchy, the fabric doesn’t feel good, the knit bothers your neck, and you don’t reach for it because it gives you a skin rash every time you wear it. Or if it fits too tight, or it cuts in at the waist, whatever it may be if it’s uncomfortable it’s time to toss it.
2. Pieces that are dated.
Get rid of anything that’s dated. Whatever was in style a year or two ago, it’s probably not in style anymore. Anything that you’ve held on to, that you used to wear years ago may not work today. Even if it used to fit and look great, there’s a good chance it’s dated. There are some exceptions to this stylist tip, but in general, get rid of anything that’s been in your closet for a long time and isn’t classic. It will date you and make you look older.
3. Items you have never worn.

What you want to toss next are items that you haven’t worn. Items with tags still on them and that were final sale. At the time you may have thought you were getting a great deal, but you never really wore it so it actually wasn’t a great purchase decision. This is why I always recommend never buying items that are final sale. If there are pieces you can still return in your closet, that you haven’t worn, go ahead and return them. If it’s a new item and you haven’t worn it in the first two to three months it’s time to let it go.
4. Gifts you’ll never wear.

Other items to toss, are ones that you received as gifts that you can’t exchange but that you don’t love. Don’t feel guilty about getting rid of these items. This is your permission to toss those gifts you don’t wear. It was the thought that mattered. If you don’t love it and you’re not going to wear it, it’s just cluttering up your closet.
5. Overflow of sentimental items.

The next things you want to clear from your closet are an overflow of sentimental items. I recommend that you have only one box for your emotional pieces. You can choose the size of the box, but whatever doesn’t fit in that box it’s time to remove it from your closet. I live by this Stylist tip because although sentimental items have their purpose if you’re holding on to too many things it may reflect a greater difficulty of moving on.
Also, don’t hang sentimental items in your closet. The items that are hanging in your wardrobe should only consist of the clothing that you wear.
6. Clothes you can’t commit to getting tailored.

For my sixth tip, tailor your clothes. If you have something in your closet that has needed alterations whether it’s a button or a hemline or taking in a jacket, if it’s been sitting there for more than three months it’s time to commit to doing it this week or toss it. If you simply can’t make it happen, there’s probably another underlying reason you’re not doing it. Perhaps you’re not really in love with the piece, to begin with. Anything that you’re resistant to getting tailored that you’re not wearing it’s time to let go.
7. Items for the life you wish you had.

Another item you need to get rid of in your closet is clothing for somebody else’s life. This includes things that you purchased wishing one day you would wear them. Whether that’s wishing you were a different size or that you took extravagant vacations or that you wish you were able to dress up every day. If they’re items that you bought but don’t fit your lifestyle then they’re not realistic.
There is an exception to this idea. If there is an item that you love and it’s classic but you have young kids so you’re not wearing it right now but when they’re older that item will still be modern, you can hold on to that. Another exception is if you have a realistic goal and plan to fit into an item that doesn’t currently fit. If you have a plan to work towards that goal and you’re giving yourself a time frame then hold on to it. However, if that time frame comes and you haven’t committed to doing the work to be able to wear that item, it’s time to let it go.
8. Clothes from your previous life.
Along the same lines, the next item I recommend getting rid of is anything from your previous life. Some people that used to work corporate like to hold on to their suits but in reality they know they’re never going to go back to a corporate environment. I’ve worked with several clients that had a hard time letting these items go even after years have passed. Holding onto these pieces from your old career adds clutter to your closet. It adds stress to your current life and in some ways may prevent you from fully moving on.
In Clean Your Closet! 16 Things to Finally Get Rid Of an article Juliana LaBianca wrote for Reader’s Digest she states, “Is it a going-out top from your 20s? Maternity wear when you’re well past the baby-making stage of life? Exotic get-ups from that summer you spent abroad? You can probably donate or recycle them all.”
Your lifestyle today may need a different kind of wardrobe. Decluttering clothes from the past will help create space in your mind and inadvertently your life.
9. Items that aren’t practical for your lifestyle.

Get rid of items that aren’t practical for your current life. For example, if you have silk blouses or dresses that aren’t classic but you have toddlers, the reality is that you’re probably not going to get a lot of use out of them right now. If you love them and they are classic I would recommend holding onto them. But, you want to make sure to focus on using your wardrobe budget for more of the practical essential pieces that you need for your current life.
10. The pieces in your closet that you never reach for.
The next pieces to remove from your closet are the ones you never reach for. These are items that have been hanging in your wardrobe that you don’t know how to style and don’t feel great in. If it takes more energy and stress to figure out how to style an item and that’s a reason you never reach for it, then clear it from your closet.
Another example is if they’re pieces that you bought because you wanted to explore a different part of your style but they just never really fit in your day-to-day, it is probably time to let them go. Not wearing certain things from your wardrobe is a big sign that it’s time to clear them out of your closet.
11. Hand-me-downs.

If you receive hand-me-downs that you’re not wearing, those are items I’d suggest letting go of. Something that didn’t work for your sister or your mom, that they didn’t love but thought would be a great fit for you, in most cases is not going to work for you either. Wardrobe hand-me-downs have typically been passed down because they don’t work.
Like most things, there may be an exception to this tip if it’s something of value that you love. Like a piece of family jewelry or a vintage dress or a designer bag still in great shape. But again these are the exceptions. If you aren’t wearing your wardrobe hand-me-downs and you don’t know how to style them or they don’t fit quite right it’s time to toss them.
12. Anything that you don’t feel good in.

My next tip is simple and yet probably the most important one on this list. Let go of anything that you put on and you don’t feel good in. No matter how they got there, those things shouldn’t be part of your wardrobe. You want the items in your closet to be pieces that you love and feel great in. No exceptions.
13. Clothes that haven’t fit for a year.
If things no longer fit and they haven’t fit for at least a year it’s okay to let these go. They’re just taking up valuable space and cluttering up your wardrobe. The one exception to this tip is if you have a concrete goal or plan to lose the weight to fit back into these clothes. But if you don’t and they’re just sitting there, it’s okay to let them go.
14. Items that you wouldn’t buy again.
In an article by Ivan Dimitrijevic for Lifehack, he writes, “ask yourself one simple question – if you were in a store right now, what items from your closet would you buy?”
I recommend getting rid of things that you wouldn’t buy today. If you saw this exact item hanging in the store today and it’s the full price, would you buy it? Whatever pieces you answer no to remove them from your wardrobe.
Related: “How To Shop For Clothes Like A Stylist“
According to The New York Times, “There’s also an emotional component to clothing that is important to take into account. We hold on to garments because we are convinced that one day they may be the answer to a problem, or because they represent moments in time we cherish, or because they cheer us up or make us feel powerful or happy.” Your closet should be a place that brings you joy, not a place that stresses you out. Following these pro tips are a great and easy way to declutter your clothes, declutter your mind, declutter your life, and alleviate stress.

For more Personal Stylist tips, grab my free Top 27 Style Tips On How To Dress Better and get the tools you need to feel confident every time you step into your closet.

Decluttering Clothes: Keep Or Toss?
FAQs & Expert Decluttering Clothes Tips
Why is decluttering clothes so hard?
Clothes hold an emotional component for us. Some are associated with certain experiences we want to remember and thus don’t want to let go of. While others may bring up guilt if we received them as a gift but want to get rid of them.
Decluttering clothes is also hard because most of us have a difficult time seeing ourselves objectively. This is why it’s helpful to have a trusted friend or a Personal Stylist help you declutter clothes and learn your personal style once and for all.
Related: “How To Organize A Small Closet“
How do you declutter when you have too many clothes?

Decluttering clothes can be overwhelming especially when you have too many. Follow these 12 simple steps to help you declutter your wardrobe.
- Be honest with yourself.
- Find a time you have dedicated to go through your clothes.
- Put on your favorite music and light a candle.
- Go through your closet and pick out the items that you love wearing.
- Find the items that you don’t feel good in and plan to donate.
- Make sure everything else is hung up for review.
- Pull out items that need alterations before you can wear them. Commit to either getting these items tailored or donating them
- Look at the items that remain that you like but don’t know how to style. Make time to look for ideas on how to style those items.
- Fold any lounge or workout wear and put them away in a dresser.
- Are there items you don’t love but feel guilty getting rid of? This is your permission to let them go.
- From the clothes remaining, are there any that no longer fit? If you love the item and have a realistic plan for them to fit in the near future then give yourself up to 1 year.
- Try on the remaining items and decide how each piece makes you feel in the first 7 seconds.
- For any clothing pieces that are left, ask for the help of a trusted friend or work with a Personal Stylist to help you decide to keep or toss.